Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies




MŠMT CZ.02.01.01/00/23_020/0008497

SMART Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture.
2024-2028, P. Soudek (senior key researcher)


Strategie AV21

Epicentra civilizace - inteligentní domácnosti, technologie a společnost
2025-2029, P. Soudek (activity researcher)


TAČR SS06020173

Methods reducing the risks of circulation of veterinary drugs in the environment.
2023-2025, R. Podlipná (investigator)

Report 2023



NAZV QK21010207

Diversification and strengthening the competitiveness of aquaculture by promoting aquaponics as an innovative technology for agricultural food production.
2021-2025, L. Langhansová (co-investigator)





Dny otevřených dveří (6.-7. listopadu 2024)







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