Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies |
Born: 16.03.1971 in Vsetín
1996 - 2004 | Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science, Anatomy and
Plant Physiology Ph.D. thesis entitled: Study of accumulation toxic metals and radionuclides by higher plants and its potential utilization for phytoremediation Qualification degree: Ph.D. |
1994 - 1998 | Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Catholic
Theology Subject of study: religion Qualification degree: M.Sc. |
1994 - 1995 | Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science, Chemistry
teaching Subject of study: teaching qualification of chemistry Qualification degree: M.Sc. |
1989 - 1995 | Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science,
Biochemistry Diploma thesis entitled:Characterization of factors influence of peroxidase production by culture of horseradish (Armoracia rusticana L.) cultivated in vitro. Qualification degree: M.Sc. |
Experiences abroad:
July 2009 | research fellowship, Helmholtz Zentrum
München, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH),
Germany |
Sept. 2008 | research fellowship, The Jacob
Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Sede Boqer, Israel |
Sept. - Oct. 2003 | ARI fellowship, The Jacob Blaustein Institute for Desert
Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer, Israel |
June 2003 | Czech-Germany bilateral cooperation, Leipzig |
Oct. 2002 | Czech-Germany bilateral cooperation, Sythen, Leipzig |
Dec. 2000 - Jan. 2001 | 11th International Course - Desert Agrobiology, The Jacob Blaustein
Institute for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer, Israel |
Professional experiences:
from 2008 | Charles University, Prague, Faculty of Science Position: external lecturer
from 2007 | Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, Prague,
Laboratory of Plant Biotechnologies Position:
1994 - 2006 | Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR,
Prague, Department of Plant Tissue Cultures Position:
Sept. 1994 - June 1995 | Teacher of chemistry, Primary school of Jan Masaryk, Prague< |
Feb. 1994 - June 1994 | Professor of chemistry, Private gymnasium of Josef Škvorecký, Prague
(secondary school) |
1993 - 1994 | Science services assistant, Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague |
Member of scientific board
of students I (co-)supervised: