Přednášky typu „Invited Speakers“
- P. Soudek , Š. Valenová, T. Vaněk: Study of radiophytoremediation on heavily polluted area in South Bohemia. In: Uranium mining and hydrogeology IV., Freiberg, Germany, 11 - 16 September, 2005
- P. Soudek , T. Vaněk: Remediation of radionuclide contaminated sites using phytotechnologies. In: International Workshop: Current developments in remediation of contaminated lands, Pulawy, Poland, 27 - 29 October, 2005
- P. Soudek, T. Vaněk : From laboratory experiments to large scale application - example of phytoremediation of radionuclides, in NATO ASI summer school: Advanced science and technology for biological decontamination of sites affected by chemical and radiological nuclear agents, Zhitomir State Technological University, Zhitomir, Ukraine, (17-28 August, 2005)
- T. Vaněk, R. Podlipná, Z. Vavříková, P. Soudek: Phytoremediation of organic pollutants., in APaCPA 2007, (Nair, H., ed.), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (17.-21. June 2007), p. 67 (OL33)
- P. Soudek: Phytoremediation technology - from laboratory research to practical applications., in Slovenská botanická spoločnosť SAV in cooperation with Botanický ústav Centrum biológie rastlín a biodiverzity SAV and Katedra fyziológie rastlín Prírodovedeckej fakulty UK v Bratislave, Bratislava, Slovakia, (23. October 2024)
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