RNDr. Mgr. Petr Soudek, Ph.D.

  • Study of accumulation of toxic metals by plants from genus Allium and determination of possible mechanisms of uptake. Grant Agency CR, No. 522/06/P002, (2006-2008) P. Soudek
    Toxic metals present significant health risk for living organisms. High amount of toxic metals are slack to environment during industrial activities. The ability of uptake and accumulation of toxic metals is important property of plants. Method are used this property is named phytoremediation. One of this is rhizofiltration, which can used roots of plants for removing of contaminants from waste waters. The upper part of plants from genus Allium is possible reharvest and this plants also produced thiosulfinates. The metabolic pathway responsible for their production as well as their precursors can influence detoxification and hyperaccumulation of toxic metals in body of this plants. The aim of this work schould be optimization of cultivation conditions, verified hyperaccumulation capabilities this plants, find the relation between accumulation of toxic metals and production of thiosulfinates and chracterized complexes which participated on detoxification of toxic metals.

  • Study of plant response to heavy metal stress and production of stress protective compounds. MŠMT, COST 0605 (COST.FA0605OC9039) (2009-2011) P. Soudek
    Putrescine, spermidine and spermine are the main polyamines (PAs) found in all living cells. PAs are involved in plant defence responses against various environmental stresses. In recent years, PAs have been tested as antioxidants under some environmental stresses, but their clear role as antioxidants is still a matter of debate. The possibility to influence the stress responses of plants to the presence of heavy metals could have beneficial effects on increasing the efficiency of phytoremediation technologies.
    The aim is to exploit potential interactions between polyamines and xenobiotics to increase the efficiency of phytoremediation methods.

  • Immobilization of heavy metals and metalloids in contaminated sites. MŠMT,  Kontakt ČR-ČLR, No. LH12162, (2012-2013) P. Soudek
    The main objective of the project is to study effect of biochar in laboratory conditions and study accumulation as well as transport of metals using respective radionuclides

  • The utilization of charcoal for immobilization of heavy metals MŠMT, COST TD1107 (LD13029), (2013-2016) P. Soudek
    The main objective of the project is to study effect of biochar in laboratory conditions, study accumulation as well as transport of metals in plants and test the possible effect on oxidative stress decrease.

  • Possibilities of phytosorption and phytoextraction of REE from contaminated water and soil by plants MŠMT, COST ES1407 (LTC17046), (2017-2019) P. Soudek
    The aim of the project is to study the accumulation of REE by plants with the possibility to be used for phytoextraction, study of transport of REE in plants and their possible effect on oxidative stress.

  • Study of the possibilities of using biochar produced by CADV Dobříš s.r.o for the needs of agriculture and environmental protection in the Central Bohemian Region AV ČR, Regionální spolupráce krajů a ústavů AV ČR (No. R200381821), (2018-2019) P. Soudek
    The aim of the project is to test the properties of biochar produced at the CAVD Dobříš facility and to verify the possibilities of its use for the needs of agriculture and environmental protection in the Central Bohemian Region. The results of the joint project will be presented in appropriate media, scientific and professional periodicals, conferences and the usual forums. They will be provided to all entities in the territory of the Central Bohemian Region.

  • Study of the use of compost to increase soil organic matter and improve soil sorption properties as a measure to combat drought in the Central Bohemian Region AV ČR, Regionální spolupráce krajů a ústavů AV ČR (No. R200382002), (2020-2021) P. Soudek
    To test the sorption properties of soil when incorporating compost with the addition of biochar produced at BIOPRO PLUS s.r.o. and to verify the possibilities of its use for the needs of agriculture and environmental protection in the Central Bohemia Region. We will use our experience with cultivation of different types of crops and test the effect of the addition of compost with biochar on vegetable production.

  • Study of the use of compochar to increase the amount of nutrients in the soil and improve the resistance of crops and their quality as a measure to combat extreme climatic conditions in the Central Bohemian Region. AV ČR, Regionální spolupráce krajů a ústavů AV ČR (No. R200382201), (2022-2024) P. Soudek
    To test the sorption properties of soil when incorporating compost with the addition of biochar produced at BIOPRO PLUS s.r.o. and to verify the possibilities of its use for the needs of agriculture and environmental protection in the Central Bohemia Region.

  • Identification of surviving individuals of forest tree species in calamity areas, their rescue and research of their resistance. MZe, NAZV (No. QK22020062), (2022-2024) P. Soudek (co-investigator)
    For forest stands, an increase in damage caused by bark beetles and subsequently fungal pathogens can be expected in the coming years. In some forest stands (pine, fir, beech) affected by calamitous damage, surviving vital individuals are registered. In the course of the project, potentially resistant individuals will be searched for, procedures for their conservation and efficient propagation will be proposed and molecular analyses will be carried out to determine their genetic characteristics. Biochemical analyses (e.g. determination of ABA, terpenes, polyphenols, carotenoids) will be carried out on selected and comparative individuals in order to determine the mechanism of resistance to biotic and abiotic factors. Other biochemical and physiological characteristics of the trees will be monitored as stress markers, while the ecological conditions of the habitat will be monitored.

  • SMART project Plant biotechnology for sustainable agriculture. MŠMT, OP JAK (No. CZ.02.01.01/00/23_020/0008497), (2024-2028) P. Soudek (leader of team)
    The aim of the project "SMART Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture" is to acquire new knowledge, tools and biological materials that are necessary to obtain crop varieties adapted to climate change and suitable for sustainable agriculture. Particular attention will be paid to plant responses to stress conditions at the molecular level. New knowledge will be a catalyst for the development of agricultural biotechnology in the Czech Republic and the use of new breeding techniques based on genome editing.

  • Using biochar to improve soil properties and water retention in the landscape. AV ČR, Strategie AV 21 - Epicentra civilizace, (2025-2028) P. Soudek (leader of team)
    In the framework of the activity we plan to test biochar from different sources and use the experience of the group of doc. Pohořelý from UCHP AVČR with its preparation. We have long-term experience with cultivation of different types of crops and we will test the effect of biochar addition on the production of these crops and on the development of mycorrhiza (in cooperation with MBÚ AVČR).

Copyright 2024 Petr Soudek